Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. And so many times were caught up in the busyness of our day, and the series of activities in our lives, that we slip into a stupor, a type of daily hypnosis that numbs us and stifles our desire to share our most unique gifts with our world. If we sit down to write a song, make a painting, or start writing our novel we run into a problem. We get what might be called "creative static". Simply put, we're blocked. This is the mental-noise from our busy calendar, our worries about the future, are whining about the past we can't move beyond. It's the string of negative experiences that make us afraid to try or hope. It's the overwhelm that doesn't even think we have time, and if we did that there is really nothing of value inside us to express anyway. And in that place, it's impossible to even consider being creative. There comes a voice in our head that tells us we're silly to even try, and so we don't. As creative beings by nature, we can become numbed into a pattern of existing from day-to-day rather than living. We exist, fulfill obligations, we survive. We long for more to life every day, while denying it to ourselves in the moment. But I want to tell you that we don't do the world any favors by denying our expression and creativity. Instead we rob the world of our most precious gifts given to us to share for the benefit of all. If only we could just raise our head up out of the chaos long enough to catch a big breath. If only we'd realized the voice telling us that we're not worthy is not in-fact the voice of truth, but rather something else. Something more dangerous to souls. If we stopped seeing reflection and creation as a waste of time. If only we didn't get caught believing that we're not special or worthy. But rather we listen to that voice that becomes clearer after all other voices are silenced. It comes at the end of the mental static. That voice that has things to say, ideas to share, beauty to express. Are you caught in a pattern of busyness, and denying yourself the unique expressions that you are in this world to make? Do you even think you have a creative side? Join us for our journey in the songwriting and band writing classes. We will be working at unblocking those things that keep us from getting started, finding our flow, and bringing forth our best creative works together. It's creative work... but it's truly creative play and everyone can join in. No experience required. Join us and leave a comment below about what might keep you blocked or help you get unblocked creatively.